Thanks for being part of our Journey, Dianne and I took over as caretakers of Matangi Truffles – a provider of boutique accommodation and small truffière – in early 2022.

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While living the dream on a Truffière, Dianne and I work 9-5 jobs. Fortunately, we get plenty of opportunities to work from home and enjoy the birdsong. Our weekends are full of tree trimming, soil testing, spreading lime (to raise pH), more tree trimming, and waiting! Truffle season is brief and fleeting, but that special buzz of finding the unknown underground keeps us excited.
Why trust us as your truffle supplier? We are an A+ Food safety certified grower, using a trade approved and certified set of scales. Truffles we harvest are cleaned to ensure we can correctly check and grade. Also a clean truffle means that you’re not paying for dirt!